实用价值、审美体验兼俱的设计,使得功能排布从容舒展。除了国际标准的教学、办公、研讨、实验、考试、运动、健身、餐饮、住宿等基础功能,师生们还享有许多“浪费” 的空间:湿地“护城河”、南北双走廊、一木水镜、架空跑道、水岸步径......灵活智能的小班化课室,占据近半壁教学楼的科学实验室,
拥有国际高中的品质要素 Qualities of an International High School
英国剑标大学国际考评部/美国大学理事会 授权的国际高中直通世界知名大学
An international high school accredited by cambridge Assessment International Education and College board A springboard to world-class universities and colleges
* 2003年经深圳市教育局批准成立。原名“深圳教育国际交流学院”,2011年更名为‘深圳国际交流学院”。简称“深国交”或"SCIE
Shenzhen College of International Education was officially established in 2003, SCIE for short
* 英国剑桥大学国际考评部、英国爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构授权的全日制国际高中;为英国大学联合招生委员会注册会员学校
SCIE is an international school accredited by Cambridge Assessment International Education and edexcel. a member school of UCAs
* 亦是美国大学理事会的注册会员,美国所有大学都可以在美国大学理事会网站上找到深国交的相关介绍。
We have registered with the US College Board as a high school member, which means all American colleges are able to find us on the main website
* 国际学校联盟会员学校,办学水准通过CS认证。也是东亚国际学校理事会和亚洲英基学校联盟会员学校。
SCie has officially obtained the accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS). The quality of its education has been confirmed through the CIs membership.Meanwhile, SCIE is also a member school of FOBISlA and eARcoS
* 开设44门国际高中课程,包括剑桥大学考试院和爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构的IGCSE和 A Level国际高中课程,以及美国AP(大学先修)课程,涵盖科学、语言、人文、数学、经济与商学、艺术与设计、计算机科学、音乐等门类。
Provides 44 IGCSE, A level and AP courses in total, including languages, humanities,sciences, mathematics, business, art and design, computer sciences, music, etc.
* 学生们课外自发组织100多个社团,涉及科学、人文、艺术、体育、公益、领导力、生活技能等广阔领域。
Colorful excurricular life with more than 100 clubs organized by the students
* 全球范围内选拔教师。他们全部为全日制教师,其中60%以上为外教并担任教学管理与学科负责人。
Employs top quality staffs selected from all over the world who are full-time, professional teachers and administrators, over 60% of whom are expatriates
* 全日制国际高中,封闭式独立校园,人性化示范和引导学生,激励其生存、发展能力的培育。
A full-time school with an independent campus and a friendly and practical approach as well as an emphasis on ability and character building
* 培养具有申报英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧盟、中国香港等国家和地区知名大学资格的高中毕业生。17年的办学经历,积淀岀丰盛的办学业缋和葱郁的校园文化。每一届毕业生100%入读世界名校。
17 years of valuable experience in achieving admirable academic results and a dynamic respectable universities and colleges around the world school culture. Every single graduate from the previous 14 classes has entered
深国交具备的国际资质 SCIE s International Qualific
剑桥国际考评部和爱德思考试中心 Cambridge International and Edexcel
* 深国交为学生提供 CAMBR| DGE INTERNATIONAL和 Edexcel国体系最佳组合,并经过了17年的本土实践。
* 学生们在国内参加“全球性高考”,考场就在深国交校园内。 Cambridge International和 Edexcel成绩为英联邦、欧美、中国香港等地160多个国家或地区的正规大学所承认,可为学子们获得世界名校录取奠定胜算。
UCAS 英国大学联合招生委员会
深国交是英国大学联合招生委员会(UCAS) 的注册会员学校, 学生们在校完成海外大学申请。
SCIE is a registered member school of Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
SCIE provides College Board-audi edAP courses for students.According to statistics, nearly
40%SCIE graduates chose US univer is ities and colleges these years.
College Board 美国大学理事会和AP课程
The College Board and AP Courses
* 深国交作为美国大学理事会会员学校,可派遣代表就该理事会管理事项进行投票表决,并可派送代表在理事会任职、参与制定理事会未来发展方案。深国交还可借此平台,与全球6000多所学校结成伙伴关系,协同发展,并参加该机构为教育工作者举办的研习会,包括课程发展和指导、大学申请等主题。
As a member of College Board, SCIE enjoys many benefits such as appointing delegates to vote on Colege Board governance issues, serve on na ional counc is and committees, and inform the future of College Board programs and services.At this platform, SCIE connects direct y with educaton leaders at more than 6, 000 member organizations from our region and around the world through the comprehensive membership directory.Members can also receive a special rate to at end training on topics including financialaid, cu riculum development and instruction, and college counsel lng.
* 深国交设有经美国大学理事会审核的AP课程。近10年来,深国交毕业生赴美留学占比一直稳定在40%左右。
SCIE prov des Colege Board-aud ted AP courses for students.Accord ng to sta it is, neary 40%SCIE graduates chose US un veri sites and colleges these years.
CIS 国际学校联盟CIS
* 深国交是国际学校联盟会员学校。该联盟作为全球性非营利组织,为国际学校提供认证、教师和高管招聘等服务, 并促进成员学校和大学间的交流。通过了CIS认证, 意味着深国交达到了CIS严苛的国际学校办学水准, 并将持续按照其标准来发展学生的知识技能和行为操守.CIS国际学校认证资格亦受美国国家私立学校联盟(NA IS) 及世界各地政府或非政府组织认可。
SCIE is a member School of the Council of International Schools(CIS) .CIS is a global non-profit membership organization.It score services are International School Accreditation, Educational Recruitment and Leadership Search for schools, and Higher Education Services that facit ate linkages between schools and colleges and un vers ties.This recogni ion sign ies that the school has completed a comprehensive se-study and internatonal peer review as part of a cont uous improvement process focusing on standards and indicators that promote the development of student knowledge, skis, attributes and act ons aligned with the CIS Defintion of Global Cien ship.CIS International Accred tation is recognized by the National Associaton of Independent Schools(USA) , and by many government and non-government agencies around the world.
* 东亚国际学校理事会在东亚地区有149个以英语为第一教学语言的中小学会员,采用前沿、高效的网络将学校和个人联系起来,在国际教育领域为会员提供针对性强的发展机会,推广优异的教育实践和会员间的合作与交流,促进学校和教师的专业发展和学生的教育机会。该组织注重学生领导力的培养和学术理解,强调世界公民意识和卓越的教育实践。深国交也是东亚国际学校理事会会员学校之一.
EAR COS--East Asia Regional Council of Schools is an organization of 149 member schools in East Asia.The EAR COS organization serves to promote cooper at on and communication among its Members, to advance the professional growth of schools and individu a is and to broaden and enrich the educational opportunties of the students they serve.EAR COSplay saprominent leadership role throughout the global educaton al community.SCIE is also a member school of EAR COS.
* 亚洲英基学校联盟致力于亚洲区国际学校之间学生及教师的学术及课外交流,目前有50多所会员学校,入会标准严格,并要求会员持续进步。会员学校的学生可参加该机构组织的活动,老师们则可参加其内、外部职业培训,成员间的教研组长、行政经理、校领导亦可就不同主题随时交流。深国交加入了该联盟,并于2017年为其会员学校提供牛津、剑桥大学申请指导等方面的培训。
FOBISIA is a regional Federation of the leading British international schools in Asia.As an
organization, it maintains stringent entry standards for all schools, and requires an ongoing commitment to excellence and inspection or accreditation by recognized external agencies.
FOBISIA Schools offer events for students to have an overseas experience or events where students may participate online.Internal or external Professional Development providers share best practice with inFO BISI Amer ber schools.FOB IS I A conducts regular CPD, Business and Networking opportunities through Meetings and Conferencing.Head teachers, business managers, leaders of music and many other staff can meet throughout the academic year.SCIE has already joined FOB IS I A and delivered a professional training for its member school in 2017.
1、SCIE深国交(深圳国际交流学院) - 2020深国交再次征程(01)
2、SCIE深国交2020年的新征程 -- 深国交院长Neil Mobsby 说(02)
3、在深国交上学 - 这个天生的千里马刚好又来到了他的草原(03) -- 本站创始人出镜
4、在深国交上学 - 国内物理与深国交A Level物理教学之比较 (04)
5、在深国交上学 -年轻思想这匹野马遇上了深国交狂奔的舞台(05)
6、在深国交上学 - 语言能力:深国交雅思成绩中国第一,超北大清华复旦(06)
7、在深国交上学 - 让各行各业创意盎然的 “艺术 * 审美” (07)
8、在深国交上学 - 校园友谊与氛围 Friendship and atmosphere (08)
9、在深国交上学 - 深国交的生源及新生适应期 adaption period (09)
10、在深国交上学 - 老师们:有思想,有要求 With ideas (10)
11、课外活动与人格教育01 - 深国交2020社团汇总(上)(11)
12、课外活动与人格教育02 - 深国交2020社团汇总(下)(12)
13、课外活动与人格教育03 - 多纬度(House)阐述生命与情感(13)
14、课外活动与人格教育04 - 深国交评价体系:有关全球公民奖(14)
15、课外活动与人格教育05 - 深国交的传统与经典(上)(15)
16、课外活动与人格教育06 - 深国交的传统与经典(下)(16)
17、课外活动与人格教育07 - 深国交的文体活动 (17)
18、我的孩子在深国交01 - 2019届毕业生妈妈高琦女士感言(18)
20、我的孩子在国交03 - 爸爸妈妈你们是“深国交家长”(20)
21、这些年深国交的同学们 - 哪两个地方可以找到我?(21)
22、这些年深国交的同学们|英国篇 2015-2019毕业生去向(22)
23、这些年深国交的同学们|美国篇 2015-2019毕业生去向(23)
25、这些年深国交的同学们|专业去向05-19届统计数据 (25)
27、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 难说再见篇 SCIE 2020年校刊(27)
28、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 大学胜境篇 SCIE 2020年校刊(28)
29、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 大学申请攻略篇SCIE 2020年校刊(29)
30、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 专业与职业篇 (上) SCIE 2020(30)
31、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 专业与职业篇 (下) SCIE 2020(31)
32、深国交毕业生的讲述 - 点滴见解SCIE 2020年校刊(32)
33、 深国交部份优秀校友动向(上) SCIE2020年校刊(33)
34、深国交部份优秀校友动向(中) SCIE2020年校刊(34)
35、深国交部份优秀校友动向(下) SCIE2020年校刊(35)
36、怎样成为深国交学生 How to become a SCIE Student(36)
37、深国交新校园主要设施 New Campus facility and operation(完结篇)
免责声明 - 本贴图片及人物头像版权归原作者及原出处所有,转自深国交2020年宣传校刊。本站旨在向全中国全世界华人宣传推广深国交,认知深国交,喜欢深国交,达成深国交”要创办中国最好的国际学校”的宏伟志愿,让更优秀的人能获得优秀学校的资讯,从而加入共同成长。
深国交备考 |
如何备考深国交 |
深国交考试 |
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