「在将一个片段或一个状态刻画成认识的( knowing )片段或状态时,我们并不是在给出一个此片段或状态的经验性描述;而是将其置于理由的逻辑空间( the logical space of reasons )中,从而辩护某一言论,或让我们能够为之辩护。」
「互相承认构建了规范状态。仅当他人要求某人负责时,他才能负责;而仅当他人承认某人的权能时,他才能行使权能。而在成为能负责和有权能的人的尝试中,人同样有请他人承认的权能。要做到这点,人们就得承认他人能要求某人负责,或是承认某人的权能。而这便是承认他人有某种权能。某人要获得如此地位,又必须反过来被他人所承认。那就是在某种意义上要求自己为他人负责。但仅当某人承认他们是有权能的,从而赋予他们这一权能时,他人才在此一限度内有此权能 。」
物质性的概念:群体( group )的本质角色直到黑格尔时期才被认识到,即作为概念性思考的框架出现在个体中的这一因果关系的一个中介要素。我们虽然很容易就能看到概念框架之于个体的内在性与超越性乃是一社会现象,并且能轻易确证它隐含在人在世界中的形象的形式中,但这一显白形象的特质直到十九世纪才被粗略地阐明。[3]
「对于观念论者(如黑格尔——译者注)而言,观念( ideal )上的事实性真理( matter-of-factual truth )的概念,和实存( what there really is )的概念充斥着概念化过程的假设性。但没有任何世界图景[6]有似这般精神性表达的功能。精神性表达的运作本身的不可或缺性和逻辑上的无法还原性恰恰证实了精神性运作本就不存在。因此,尽管充斥着深刻见解,观念论实质上却错得一塌糊涂。」[7]
在将一个片段或一个状态刻画成认识的( knowing )片段或状态时,我们并不是在给出一个此片段或状态的经验性描述;而是将其置于理由的逻辑空间( the logical space of reasons )中,从而辩护某一言论,或让我们能够为之辩护。[17]
尽管感官印象( sense impressions )对认知无可或缺,但康德不承认感官印象具有认知地位。他就这样与他所有的前辈们(比如唯理论者和经验论者)产生了激进的断裂。感觉的所属( of-ness )甚至都不是哪怕最初级的( rudimentary )思想的所属…康德的这个问题一直困扰着我。知识怎会可能有如此结构?直到最近我才意识到,解决方法就是:在因果秩序中正确地定位概念秩序,并正确阐释这其中涉及的因果关系。[21]
在一特殊经验中,如果一个人没有被误导,那么他便认事物是如此这般的。这如此这般之事是经验的内容,也可以是判断的内容:当主体直接接受这一经验时(麦克道威尔在其他地方说过:我们不能控制经验将事物表征为什么,但我们能控制自己接受或拒绝经验的呈现——译者注),它就变成了判断的内容。而此时它就是概念性内容(与塞拉斯将感官印象和概念性分离相反——译者注)。不过如此这般的事物本就是世界的构图( layout ),即若某人并未被误导,那这便是事物存在的方式。因此,既然接受性( receptivity )可以被概念性地组织,那我们此时就可以将经验理解为对于实在之构图的敞开性。[24]
塞拉斯和麦克道威尔对于康德的先验观念论的不同回应揭示了他们对黑格尔的态度。和他们一样,黑格尔也是一个认识论的实在论者:他拒斥那种我们不了解或无法了解事物自身的观点。但黑格尔和塞拉斯都不想全盘拒斥现象和事物自身的差别。塞拉斯将现象和实在的差别称为人在世界中的显白形象和科学形象的差别。黑格尔也阐述了大量以现象学方式才能理解彼此关联的现象的实在。所以说,塞拉斯和黑格尔并非拒斥现象和现实的差别,而是否认这个差别是绝对的或者无法逾越的。[25]麦克道威尔却极力为我们那「对实在之构图的敞开性」( openness to the layout of reality )辩护,而似乎并不把「我们可能系统地怀有对事物本质的错误信念」这一想法太当回事。[26]这方面上,塞拉斯比麦克道威尔更黑格尔一点。
将空间和时间整合进其他的概念性的范畴,并且从本质上忽略它们作为自身之外的内在形式的角色,这一做法丝毫不黑格尔主义。更重要的是, 麦克道威尔拆除直观与概念之间差异的行为,倒是背刺了他号称要捍卫的康德主义。毕竟,如果拒斥了有两种独立的知识源头在经验中结合的主张,康德的哲学所剩无几。[31] 这样看来,麦克道威尔的行迹与其说是朝康德的突进,不如说是向莱布尼兹那边撤退。
上述主张揭示出,麦克道威尔的观念论是一种逻辑实在论( logical realism )。麦克道威尔所讨论的世界的基本结构是逻辑或概念的结构,而其观点着力于
判断活动和意向性活动之所以与非智性存在的活动区分开来,并不是因为前者涉及什么心灵过程,而是因为事物的认知者和行动者以独特的方式为这些事物负责( response )。判断活动和意向性活动涉及承诺( commitment )。承诺是权能( authority )的认可与行使。[41]
[1] A caveat: Hegel himself was very interested and well informed about the sciences of his day. His followers, particularly those ensconced in academia, not so much.
[ 2 ] Wilfrid Sellars, 「Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man」 [PSIM] ¶44, in Science, Perception and Reality [SPR] : 16; in In the Space of Reasons: Selected Essays of Wilfrid Sellars, eds. Kevin Scharp and Robert B. Brandom [ISR] : 384. Available online at http:// www.ditext.com/sellars/psim.html.
[ 3 ] Sellars, PSIM ¶44.
[ 4 ] Sellars, PSIM ¶48, in SPR: 17; in ISR: 385.
[ 5 ] The ‘manifest image’ is the more-or-less refined ‘common-sense’ conceptual frame work in terms of which humans have come to understand and cope with themselves in their world. It is a Strawsonian/Aristotelian framework in which persons and things are the basic objects. In Sellars’s view, it is currently being challenged by the growth of a new and categorially distinct framework that is being developed by the empirical sciences, the 「scientific image of humanity in the world.」 「显白形象」近似等同人们更加精密的常识概念结构。人们通过这些结构在世界中理解和应对自身。在斯特劳森/亚里士多德式的框架中,人和事物是最基本的物体,而在塞拉斯的视角中,这一框架正为当下日益发展的经验科学所挑战。这一经验科学框架新颖且范畴独特,被称为「人类在世界中的科学形象」。
[ 6 ] Sellars uses ‘picture’ here in a technical sense that is not equivalent to proposition or statement. Mentalistic expressions, Sellars is telling us, do not participate in the basic, naturalistically unproblematic, pre-semantic picturing relations that hold between objects in the world and the occurrence of particular sign-design types. Mentalistic expressions relate to real-world objects and events in much more complex ways.
塞拉斯此处的「图景」的含义并非等同于命题或声明。塞拉斯告诉我们,心灵表达不参与到世界中的物体和具体符号设计模式的出现[ the occurrence of particular sign-design types ] 这二者的基本的、自然意义上不冲突的、前语义的的图景关联。心智表达以复杂得多的方式与真实世界中的物体和事件关联。
[ 7 ] Wilfrid Sellars, Science and Metaphysics, chap. 5, ¶78: 142–143.
[ 8 ] A full interpretation of this passage would require an explication of Sellars’s obscure notion of picturing, which he thinks is a key to realism. But that goes beyond the scope of this chapter. See W. A. deVries, 「Getting Beyond Idealisms.」
[ 9 ] Wilfrid Sellars, 「Autobiographical Reflections: [ February, 1973 ] ,」 285. Available online at http://www.ditext.com/sellars/ar.html.
[ 10 ] It is also worth noting that Sellars would not think that rational connections among concepts are always analytic or a priori. Sellars makes room for material connections that are nonetheless rational. In general, Sellars thinks of rational connections, not on the containment model that Kant employed, but as inference tickets, and then recognizes both formally and materially valid inferences.
It is also worth remarking here that Sellars’s phrase ‘the intelligible order’ implies a unique referent. But if the intelligible order is the set of rational connections among concepts, then there will be, of course, many possible intelligible orders, since there are multiple possible conceptual frameworks. Sellars does seem to assume that we can sensibly posit a Peircean ideal framework that, given world enough and time, we would be fated to accept.
[ 11 ] Sellars, PSIM ¶44, in SPR: 16; in ISR: 384.
[ 12 ] I have argued that preservation of the 「language of individual and community intentions」 in the scientific image [ as opposed to mere ‘joining’ ] is the proper conception in several places; see deVries, 「Ontology and the Completeness of Sellars’s Two Images,」 and 「Images, Descriptions, and Pictures: Personhood and the Clash.」
我在多处论证过,在科学形象[而非单纯的「参与」 ] 中保留「个体语言和群体意向」是合适的理解;请参考deVries, 「Ontology and the Completeness of Sellars’s Two Images,」 and 「Images, Descriptions, and Pictures: Personhood and the Clash.」
[ 13 ] Wilfrid Sellars, EPM. This passage, often called the ‘scientia mensura’, occurs in §41; in SPR: 173; in KMG: 253. Also available online at http://www.ditext.com/sellars/ epm.html.
[ 14 ] Sellars, PSIM ¶49; in SPR: 17; in ISR: 385.
[ 15 ] I take it, e.g., that plants are categorially different from animals in the manifest image.
[ 16 ] Ruth Millikan, Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories. Millikan is a right-wing Sellarsian who would agree with Sellars that we need to turn to natural science for the ultimate story about language, thought, and other biological categories. For an interesting review of her differences with the left-wing Brandom, see Ruth Millikan, 「The Father, the Son, and the Daughter.」 For further discussion of their differences, see Willem A. deVries, 「All in the Family.」
Ruth Millikan, Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories. 米利肯是右翼塞拉斯主义者,和塞拉斯一样认为我们需要在自然科学中寻找语言,思想和生物类别的真理。米利肯写过一篇有趣的文章,回复了她和左翼塞拉斯主义者布兰顿之间的差异。请参考「The Father, the Son, and the Daughter.」 For further discussion of their differences, see Willem A. deVries, 「All in the Family.」
[ 17 ] Sellars, EPM §36, in SPR: 169; in KMG: 248.
[ 18 ] Formally valid inferences are so in virtue of the syntactic structures of the sentences involved, without regard to their content. Modus ponens or a valid syllogism are classic examples. Materially good inferences are not formally valid, but are such that it is part of the language that the truth of the premise[ s ] entails the truth of the conclusion. For ex ample, 「A is red」 materially implies 「A is colored.」 Sellars thinks of scientific laws as pro posed and corroborated material inference tickets.
[ 19 ] Sellars, EPM §38: in SPR: 170; in KMG: 250.
[ 20 ] John McDowell, Mind and World, 23.[ 21 ] Sellars, 「Autobiographical Reflections,」 285.
[ 22 ] For an intelligible, thorough examination of Sellars’s two-component analysis of per ceptual experience, see Paul Coates, The Metaphysics of Perception: Wilfrid Sellars, Per ceptual Consciousness and Critical Realism.
如果想对塞拉斯的对感知经验的双组成分析有一个更明晰透彻的检验,请参考Paul Coates, The Metaphysics of Perception: Wilfrid Sellars, Perceptual Consciousness and Critical Realism
[ 23 ] John McDowell, Mind and World, 51.
[ 24 ] McDowell, Mind and World, 26.
[ 25 ] It is notable that attacking the absoluteness of familiar philosophical distinctions is a standard move for pragmatists. This connection to pragmatism is particularly important for Brandom.
[ 26 ] This is probably the influence of Donald Davidson on McDowell.
这很有可能是唐纳德·戴维森[Donald Davidson] 对麦克道威尔的影响。
[ 27 ] Sally Sedgewick’s analysis in Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity is very helpful.
Sally Sedgewick在此处的分析是很有帮助的:Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity
[ 28 ] See Paul Redding, Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought.
[ 29 ] John McDowell, 「Having the World in View: Sellars, Kant, and Intentionality,」 102– 103.
[ 30 ] The problematic explananda here are the facts that [ 1 ] space and time receive dialectical treatment in Hegel’s system at two very different locations: once early on in the Philosophy of Nature and once in the last third of the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit; and [ 2 ] animals, who operate at the level of sensation and not thought, must nonetheless be able to track and in some sense represent space and time. The obvious answer seems to be that, as Hegel himself says, space and time are forms embodied in different substrata, one of which is non-conceptual.
这里尚不确定的待解释项是:[1] 空间和时间在黑格尔的体系中被在两个非常不同的位置受到了辩证的处理:较早的一处在《自然哲学》中,而另一处在主观精神哲学最后三分之一的部分;[2] 动物这一存在,尽管它只处在感觉层面,不能思考,但它还是得能追踪时间和空间,并且还要能够在某种意义上表征时空。这一显见的答案似乎就如黑格尔所说:时间和空间乃是体现在不同根基中的形式,其中之一是非概念性的。
[ 31 ] This point is elaborated and defended more fully in Paul Redding, 「McDowell’s Radi calization of Kant’s Account of Concepts and Intuitions.」
这一点被Paul Redding更充分地完善和捍卫了,见「McDowell’s Radicalization of Kant’s Account of Concepts and Intuitions.」
[ 32 ] Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Proposition 1.
[ 33 ] McDowell, 「Having the World in View,」 143.
[ 34 ] McDowell, 「Having the World in View,」 143.
[ 35 ] This is a point made also by Roderick Firth in an article Sellars referred to often: 「Co herence, Certainty, and Epistemic Priority.」
这也是Roderick Firth的观点。塞拉斯在这篇论文中经常引用他:「Coherence, Certainty, and Epistemic Priority.」
[ 36 ] Wilfrid Sellars, 「Inference and Meaning.」 Note the order of explication here: meaning is determined by inferential proprieties, not the other way around.
Wilfrid Sellars, 「Inference and Meaning.」 请注意这里的解释次序:意义是为推论性的性质决定的,不是被别的东西决定的。
[ 37 ] Lewis Carroll, 「What the Tortoise said to Achilles.」[ 38 ] Wilfrid Sellars, 「Some Remarks on Kant’s Theory of Experience.」
[ 39 ] There is a trivial sense of ‘relation’ in which any statement the surface grammar of which contains a relational [ that is, n-place for n > 1 ] predicate describes a relation. But surface grammar is not decisive here. After all, sentences of the form 「X is related to Y」 are not all true for every substituend X and Y.
有种对「关系」的平凡定义是,在任意陈述中,包含关系谓词[ 比如说在n>1中n的位置 ] 的表层语法都描述了一个关系。但表层语法在这里没有决定性的意义。毕竟,形如「X与Y相关」的句子对每一个代换项X与Y而言并不全为真。
[ 40 ] Robert B. Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 27–110.
[ 41 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 32.[ 42 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 49.[ 43 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 62.
[ 44 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 66.
[ 45 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 70.
[ 46 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 88.
[ 47 ] Cf. Sellars’s remark, 「[S] cientific terms have, as part of their logic a ‘line of retreat’ as well as a ‘plan of advance’,」 CDCM, 288. This is a point that, given Sellars’s treatment of meanings, applies to all terms, not just scientific terms.
参见塞拉斯的评论,「[S] cientific terms have, as part of their logic a ‘line of retreat’ as well as a ‘plan of advance’,」 CDCM, 288. 鉴于塞拉斯对意义的处理,这一点不仅只适用于科学术语,它同时适用于所有术语。
[ 48 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 100.
[ 49 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 102.
[ 50 ] Brandom, 「Animating Ideas,」 97–98.
[ 51 ] See the last of McDowell’s Woodbridge Lectures, 「Intentionality as a Relation,」 in Mc Dowell, Having the World in View, 44–65.
见麦克道威尔木桥镇讲座的末章, 「Intentionality as a Relation,」 in Mc Dowell, Having the World in View, 44–65.
[ 52 ] I would like to thank Paul Redding, Carl Sachs, and Dean Moyar for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this chapter. Parts of this chapter have also been the target of feed back from audiences at Kent State University and the University of Sheffield. Thanks to them as well.
我要感谢Paul Redding,Carl Sachs和Dean Moyar对这一章初稿给出的有帮助性的意见。这章有几个部分也来自于肯特州立大学与谢菲尔德大学读者们的反馈,在此一并表示感谢。
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