Due to the coronavirus outbreak the campus of SCIE will remain closed to students until 17th February. Starting from February 10th, SCIE is conducting remote learning of all classes. If the situation continues this arrangement may be extended until a later day according to government advice. The arrangements are as follows:
All teaching staff will be setting work for distance education for the continued education of the students. They will be using multiple means to support the students including:
Via the college Moodle pages where work will be posted for classes to be completed at home.
在我校Office 365 Teams页面制定学习任务,教师可以远程地与其学生进行直接沟通。
The college Office 365 Teams pages for classes where work is set, and class teachers can communicate directly with their class remotely.
运用One note班级页面也可以实现互动教学,并组织课程安排。
The Use of One note class pages where interactive learning will be taking place and lessons can be organised with classes.
The use of Wechat groups and college E-mail where teachers will be able to communicate with their classes directly and answer questions and receive work for feedback.
我校One drive系统可以为学生提供相互合作的空间来展示学习和进步的情况。
The college One drive where students can work in a collaborative space to show learning and progress.
Work will be set that is suitable for the students that allow progress of students and feedback will be provided at the earliest possible opportunity either remotely or via the college Moodle or other interactive spaces.
重要的是家长或监护人要确保学生可以访问到学院Moodle和电子邮件系统,所以请您确保学生都拥有所有相关的密码(如需重设密码,请发邮件联系 Wilson.Zhen@scie.com.cn)。远程教学服务说明将发到学生的邮箱。
It is important the parents or guardians make sure that the students of the college can access both the college Moodle and E-mail systems so please can you make sure that they have all the relevant passwords (for a password Resets please send an E-mail to Wilson.Zhem@scie.com.cn ) .Instructions for work will be sent to the student E-mail address.