1. 开考前,与考试无关的所有物品将被要求放置于考场外走廊区域,因此请考生不要携带贵重物品(如手表、电子设备等),避免丢失、遗漏的风险。
2. 进入夏季,深圳天气炎热,本次考试所有考场将统一开放空调,室内温度将维持在26度左右,请考生根据自身情况选择服装。
学校中餐厅(慕山食堂)和西餐厅(Ann Cafe)在考试当天均可提供午餐,并支持微信支付,有需要的学生及家长可以在校用餐。
Pre-Exam Guidelines
Dear Candidates,
The second entrance examination of SCIE will be held on May 28th, 2023, with the start time at 8:00am.
In order to give candidates sufficient time to find the examination room, the campus will open to the candidates at 7:00am. Candidates please line up at the South Gate with your candidate card and the ID card you registered with, and find the corresponding classroom according to the examination room number on your candidate card.
Due to the large number of examinees, the school is unable to provide parking spaces, and the surrounding roads are expected to be congested, so please arrange a reasonable transportation method in advance.
I. How to print candidate card?
The candidate card is now available for printing. Candidates can log in to the registration platform on website (www.alevel.com.cn) or WeChat official account (深国交), click on "Print candidate card", and proceed with printing.
II. How to find the exam room?
The examination rooms are located in SCIE teaching building, which is divided into two parts, A and B. Building A is the Auster Building in the south and Building B is the Boreas Building in the north. Upon entering the campus, please take the large stairs on the right-hand side to reach the podium level.
There are two elevator halls and six staircases on the podium level. In addition to the central main elevator hall and staircase, there is a staircase on each side of the east and west sides (see the floor plan of the podium level at the end of this text). Candidates should select the appropriate elevator or staircase according to the examination room number on the candidate card to get to the examination room.
Candidates whose exam rooms are located on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors are advised to use the stairs as much as possible, and not squeeze the elevators with candidates on the 5th and 6th floors during peak periods.
If the main elevator hall and staircase in the middle are crowded, choose the more convenient east and west staircases.
At that time, there will be student volunteer and staff to guide you on campus. After arriving at the corresponding floor, please find the correct examination room according to the signs in the corridor. Each examination room door has a room number.
III. What do you need to do after finding your examination room?
After finding the correct examination room, please queue up outside the entrance of the examination room and wait for the invigilator. Please do not enter the examination room before the teacher arrives.
Prepare your ID card and stationary, turn off your phone and put it in your bag, and put the bag in the designated area outside the examination room.
Candidate card can not be carried into the examination room, candidates can find your designated seat through the candidate card sticked on the desk. The printed candidate card by candidates yourselves is only used to enter the campus and find the examination room.
IV. What stuff can you carry into the examination room?
Identity document you registered with, transparent water cups or unlabeled bottled water, transparent pencil cases, stationary (black fountain pen, pencil, 2B pencil, eraser, drawing tools).
No dictionaries are allowed during the English exam, but you need to use a 2B pencil;
Calculators are not allowed during the mathematics exam, no draft paper is needed, and the back of the test paper can be used for calculation;
No books, papers or any devices with communication, internet, photography and recording functions are allowed to be carried into the examination room;
Candidates with long hair should tie up it in advance to expose their ears.
1. Any items unrelated to the examination should be placed in a designated area outside the examination rooms before the start of the exam. Please refrain from bringing valuables with you to avoid any loss or misplacement.
2. All examination rooms will be equipped with air conditioning, maintaining a temperature of approximately 26°C. We recommend that you dress accordingly based on your personal comfort.
V. Notes on English examinations
1. Please use a 2B pencil to complete your answer sheet for the English examination, as it may affect your results.
2. The writing section of the English examination consists of two sheets with four sides in total. Each side requires candidates to fill in their Pinyin name and the last five digits of their candidate number at the bottom of the sheet. Each side also has the page number and Task written in the top left corner, for example, Task 1 - page 1. It is important for candidates to respond in the order of the page numbers.
VI. During the break between the English test and the Mathematics test.
During the break time 10:25-10:55 between the two exams, candidates can go to the restroom, but they must not go downstairs to avoid congestion in the elevator or stairwell, which may cause them to be late. Please arrive at the class room 5 minutes before the start of the mathematics exam.
VII. How to find the bathroom quickly?
There are bathrooms on each floor of both teaching buildings, with those in Building A located near the east and west stairwells on each floor.
Building B bathrooms are located to the east of the elevator hall in the middle of each floor, on both sides of the north and south corridors; there are also bathrooms near the westernmost stairwell on each floor of Building B.
There are guidelines in the hallways, or you can refer to the floor plan at the end of the article for the approximate location of the bathrooms.
VIII. Leaving the examination room.
After the mathematics exam is finished, candidates should take back your personal belongings and go downstairs from elevator and stairwell in the central, or the stairwell on both sides of the east and west. Both the East and South Gates of the school will be open, so candidates and parents can choose either exit to leave the school.
Hill Canteen and Ann Cafe both will provide lunch for parents and candidates in need, with the convenience of WeChat payment.
IX. About the interview.
The written examination results and interview notice will be announced on the candidate’s homepage on June 3rd (Saturday).
Candidates who are eligible to attend the interview will attend the online interview on June 4th (Sunday) morning, according to the time and interview link arranged on the candidate’s homepage. The day before the interview, please login to the candidate’s homepage to fill out the “Personal Statement Form” online. The interview time for each candidate is about 10 minutes.
Candidates who have successfully passed the previous interview on March 26th are exempted from undergoing another interview. Candidates who are unaware of their interview results can check their candidate homepage to determine if they need to undergo a re-interview:
👆Do NOT need to be re-interviewed
If you have any questions about the above information, please feel free to contact the Admissions Office of Shenzhen College of International Education.
Tel: 0755-83982003
Admissions Office
Shenzhen College of International Education
22nd May 2023
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