周三下午的团建活动将会由20个游戏组成,分别位于学校的室内篮球场、室外篮球场与教学楼区域。届时我们会在学校放置路标,指引大家找到各个游戏。新生已经分成了20个小组,每个小组24-25个人,每个house分别5-7个人(我们在新生群、学生邮件都发送了分组情况,你也可以在theatre外面查看你的分组)。新生将会在小组内部进行house比赛,按顺序依次完成游戏。顺序为从小到大递增,例如:你在十号小组,即从序号为10的游戏开始,接下来继续体验游戏11,12, 以此类推。当完成第20号游戏后,根据路线去游玩1至9号游戏。
The teambuilding activities on Wednesday afternoon compose of 20 games, respectively at the sports hall, the basketball court, the teaching building and the football court. We have put signs around the schools to help you find your way. We have divided all G1 students into 20 groups, each containing 24-25 students, 5-7 from every house (The grouping information is sent through student email, and is also in the G1 officlal WeChat group. You can also find your grouping information outside the theatre in hard copy). G1 students will have house competitions within their groups, and play all the activities in an order (if you start from activity 10, for example, the next game you will play is activity 11, 12, and so on. After you finish game 20, you will return and play game 1 to 9.)
📌Location: Sports Hall
Activity (1) Get a grip
Activity (2) Stay Connected
Activity (3) World Map Challenge
Activity (4) Touchies
📌Location: "Blue Hallway"
Activity (5) CD Tug of War
📌Location: Basketball Court
Activity (6) Unshakable Forest
📌Location: A202
Activity (7) Super Mario
📌Location: A207
Activity (8) Shake it off
📌Location: A212
Activity (9) The Sky's Limit
📌Location: A216
Activity (10) It's Electrifying
📌Location: A220‼️(Not A219)
Activity (11) Tangram
📌Location: A319
Activity (12) Catch Them!
📌Location: A315
Activity (13) Giant Janga
📌Location: Water Station on the 3rd Floor
Activity (14) Water Station + Stay in your Lane 1
📌Location: B326
Activity (15) Bucket Stack
📌Location: B323
Activity (16) Up up up
📌Location: Spare place beside B323
Activity (17) Calm Down
📌Location: Spare place beside the art room
Activity(18) Waterfall
📌Location: Spare place beside the football court
Activity(19) Waterballoons
📌Location: Water Station on the G Floor
Activity (20) Water Station + Stay in your Lane 2
Now you have the route.
Enjoy your games!
本篇文章来源于微信公众号:SCIE Prefect 2023
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