学费 18.9 万元(含新生体检费、校园保险费、校服费、拓展活动费, 但不含国际考试、外出考察实习、教材及出国夏令营等费用);校园财产押金 2,000 元,(此 2,000 元待办清离校手续后退回),在后续学年中,学校将根据办学成本,并参考国家公布的上一年的通货膨胀率和人民币汇率变动情况,实施浮动学杂费收费标准。在没有出现诸如严重通货膨胀和人民币大幅贬值等特殊的情况时,学杂费每年的涨幅原则上不超过6%。我校计划2020年迁入位于福田安托山的新校园办学,并于当年按照公布的新学杂费标准收费。学杂费按学校财务处的要求在每学年开学前的指定日期内一次性缴纳。
若有住宿的需求,无论外地学生还是深圳学生均需要在线填写《住宿申请表》,特别提醒:未提出住宿申请的学生将暂不予以安排住宿床位,后续补填《住宿申请表》的学生将根据宿舍床位情况从排队序列末位重新参与排队。如果床位不够,将严格按照家庭住址远近原则分配床位,请查阅《新生住宿安排及宿舍配置》。新生第一学年住宿费:8,000 元 (不含周末),或者 10,000 元 (含周末) ,待申请到住宿后缴纳。
因考生众多而学位有限,为避免学位无故空缺,学校将对获得录取的新生收取学位保留定金人民币 15,000 元,以确定新生学位,学位保留定金缴纳截止日为 2019 年 04 月 29 日中午12:00。待正式交纳全额学费时,学位保留定金可冲抵 15,000 元学费,已缴纳学位保留定金的学生需要在 2019 年 07 月 12 日之前缴纳全额的学费,学校收到全额学费暨注册学位。否则视为放弃学位。
序号 | 家长必读必填资料 | 报到要求 |
1 | 《新生入学须知》 | 完成阅读 |
2 | 《新生住宿安排及宿舍配置》 | 完成阅读 |
3 | 《学生入读协议书》 | 完成填写并同意 |
4 | 《关于新生学位保留定金、学杂费转账的说明》 | 完成阅读并同时转账 |
以下表格待缴纳全额学费并被招办确认后开通填写功能,请在2019-07-12前尽快完成 | ||
5 | 《入学登记表》、《住宿申请表》 | 完成填写 |
6 | 《学生健康情况表》 | 完成填写 |
7 | 《财务注册登记表》、《后续学年学杂费缴纳说明》、《委托银行代收学费协议书》 | 完成阅读填写 |
Notices for New Student Enrollment
Dear student,
Shenzhen College of International Education (SCIE) is very pleased to offer you a place. Congratulations!
This year, the tuition fees for new students are as follows:
If you have a request for accommodation, you should fill the Application of Boarding. We kindly remind you that students who fail to submit the application by the deadline will not be assigned a place to live on campus. If you submit the Application of Boarding when the term begins, you should queue up from the end of the waiting list. On the condition of insufficient places, the school will arrange accommodation based on the distance of home address. Please read “School-arranged accommodation for new students”. The fee of accommodation is ¥8,000 (excluding weekends) or ¥10,000 (including weekends) this year.
In order to avoid any place going to be wasted, each student needs to pay a deposit of ¥15,000 before 12:00pm on 2019-04-29 to reserve the place. The deposit is valid before 2019-07-12 and can offset ¥15,000 tuition fees. The deadline of paying the remaining tuition is 2019-07-12. Students who paid off all the tuition fees will be officially registered as a new SCIE student. If you fail to pay the remaining fees, we will consider this as the student gives up the enrollment.
Reminder: Once the deposit is paid, it is not refundable at any circumstances. Please consider carefully before paying deposit.
Please login into candidate’s personal page to read following information and check the bank account.
Items | Compulsory to read and fill for parents | What do you need to do? |
1 | 《Notices for new students enrollment》 | Finish reading |
2 | 《Policy of School-arranged dormitory for new students》 | Finish reading |
3 | 《Conditions of Admission》 | Fill and make an agreement |
4 | 《Description of deposit and tuition Transferring》 | Finish reading and transfer fees |
The following forms can be accessed after the tuition are completely paid. Please complete the forms before 2019-07-12. | ||
5 | 《Enrollment Form》、《Application of boarding》 | Fill the forms |
6 | 《Student Medical Information Form》 | Fill the forms |
7 | 《Registration form of Finance》、《Declaration on tuition fee payment for the following years》、《Agreement on collecting tuitions through the bank》 | Finish reading and fill the forms |
All the forms will be printed off by Student Affairs Office and parents need to sign on the day of enrollment. News students who complete the forms should enroll with admission letter and valid ID Card.
Date of new students’ enrollment and semester begins: 2019-08-14
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