Engage in Events
Engage with Us
Hi, this is the Events Division from the SCIE Student Leadership Body. We are looking forward to meeting you soon at the forthcoming events!
So now, let’s explore this fascinating division together!
New Semester with
Events Division
The events that we hold
SCIE Got Talent
SGT is the very first performance that marks a new start. Sitting quietly in the spectator seats, greeting the performers with thunderous applause from time to time, and letting the aura of new stars linger on the stage will all contribute to your unique social experience in SCIE.
Halloween Night
Which activity is your favourite, trekking along a dark lane with bloodcurdling ghosts at the Haunted house, sporting costumes for cosplay, or unwinding yourself by watching fantastic performances under the stairs outdoors? Come to the Halloween Night!
New Year Concert
Filtering into the coldness in winter, why not enter the Halo Theatre, pour yourself a taste of relaxation, and spend the time with your besties at the concert to celebrate the new year?
Components of the Events Division
Secretaries in the Events Division participate in every event process, including planning, writing promotion ads, and communicating with performers. Thus all secretaries are capable of tackling urgent situations and using their superb communication ability to ensure the success of every activity.
In the planning department, you can turn your fancy ideas into reality, taking responsibility for every single part of each activity, be they the central theme of each move, the overall stage effect or the placement of different props.
Behind each success, we must show our gratitude for the meticulousness, sweat, and toil of the SSMS, without whom we could never enjoy those brilliant performances. By devoting to the work backstage, one can not only get acquainted with necessary equipment but also receive a sense of belonging and achievement.
By designing, sketching, and drawing, you can let your imagination soar by depicting your ideas on posters and tickets with vividly evocative colours and stunningly beautiful pictures, which serve as souvenirs. In the Arts department, every single inspiration is cherished.
Operating the advanced technologies in the control room, you are in charge of all the hardware to support the event to move smoothly, playing an irreplaceable role in each activity.
All in all, everyone in the Events Division cooperates and coordinates with each other to fulfill the "dream" that we build up together. It is undeniable that you would be proud of your incredible and diverting experience in Events. Welcome, and we are waiting for you!
If you would like to join us or learn more information, please scan the QR code below:
You could also scan the QR code to ask the Chair of Events Division more relevant questions:
Content|Flora Jackie
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